TubeOhm Instruments
Descent Manual
1:) Decay Rate
40ms to 5sec (EXP)
80ms to 25sec (LIN)
Adjustable via trimmer on the back
2:) Signal LED
Visual representation of the decay signal
3:) Trigger/Gate Switch
UP: Decay is triggered immediately by a rising edge on the gate jack
Down: Envelope stays high while the GATE signal is high. The decay phase starts when the gate signal goes low.
4:) Gate signal input
Channel 1 jack is normalized to channel 2
5:) CV inputs for the decay rate (5V)
6:) Output
Envelope signal output (0 to 8V)
Decay behaviour settings
The shape of the envelope curve can be adjusted with 2 trimmers on the back.
The times given in the table are just approximate values, since due to component tolerance they may vary a bit.
If you feel the times should be longer, you can increase the value of the 2.2uF capacitors, for shorter times decrease it.
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